Explore techniques for glaze application through dipping
This workshop, held at the Appalachian Center for Craft from July21 through July 23, explored techniques for glaze application through dipping, pouring, resists, nozzling and sponging. The demonstrations covered glazing for inside walls of bowls, flat plates and outside surfaces of taller forms. Discussions of glaze qualities, such as fluidity, viscosity, transparency, and opacity, were incorporated into discussions of form. Students brought their own bisqued ware and explored the various techniques demonstrated. Several firings were done during the weekend and the results got better and better.
Susan DeMay is the 2022 recipient of an award given by her undergraduate university, Eckerd College.
The Jim Crane Art Alumni Award was created in memory of Jim Crane, a beloved Art professor at Eckerd College. It recognizes an alumna/us who has demonstrated significant achievements as an artist, leadership in visual arts education, and contributions to the creative arts.
In conjunction with being given the award, Susan gave a lecture at the Cobb Gallery on campus. The talk covered many stories of her youth leading to her entrance to the College, memories of her years in the Visual Arts Program and the Education program there, mention of the degrees that come after and highlights of the career that followed. The PowerPoint presentation included numerous images of her work through her life time as a developing and eventually successful artist.